Curriculum and Standards

Constructing an ambitious quality curriculum to empower and engage

Bespoke support and challenge

Education North Tyneside curriculum and standards offer focuses on bespoke support and challenge to embed quality first teaching across the curriculum to enable all pupils to achieve positive outcomes and realise their potential.

Relationships with each school over time are key to sustained impact and we are committed to meeting the needs of each unique school.

Our expert team works alongside schools to improve the quality of education and empower leaders to sustain evidence-informed school improvement. We work in partnerships with leaders and teachers to analyse current practice, to co-construct a way forward and evaluate impact over time.

Whilst retaining expertise in curricular areas, Education North Tyneside now has an increased focus on strategic approaches across the curriculum for wider impact. This package is diverse and can be used to develop a range of elements using 18 contact hours.

* Report writing and preparation time is included.

Lead Officers:

Maddy Kennedy

School Improvement Officer
Early Years

Janice Gibson

School Improvement Officer
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Assessment

Examples of curriculum and standard SLA requests 24-25:

  • Developing quality first teaching (QFT) with a bespoke focus
  • Whole school approach to improving writing outcomes.
  • Subject specific work including deep dives in any subject
  • Preparing for headteachers and senior leaders for inspection.
  • Bespoke subject or middle leadership groups to develop strategic approach using EEF principles 6 hours
  • Coaching headteachers in accurate evaluation of an effective early years
  • Developing and embedding progressive schemes of work.
  • Long term disadvantaged: closing the gap for vulnerable learners
  • Collaborative reviews e.g., early years health check, pupil premium review
  • One day supportive review in preparation for inspection
  • Early years foundation stage: enacting the new statutory framework or developing the learning environment
  • Foundations for learning – early years 6 hr package for disadvantaged
  • Special educational needs and disability (SEND).
  • Formative and summative assessments.
  • Embedding Launchpad across school to identify barriers and plan next steps

Our team have wide ranging experience and expertise in pedagogy and practice, using an evidence informed approach to achieve change and respond to the needs of children and young people from 2-19 in North Tyneside and beyond.

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Curriculum and Standards

The example projects below would always be tweaked to meet the bespoke needs of your school and staff.  We know that one size does not fit all!   

All our work is underpinned by the latest research available and models of best practice.  These examples supplement our core offer of termly subject lead sessions where training is delivered and updates are shared. 

Themed Support Packages

A more bespoke, consultative partnership with Education North Tyneside, clear support offers which align with school, local and national priorities.


Three themed extended participatory support packages with defined end points and agreed impact measures for whole school change.