Our unique strategic SDP (school development partner) programme is tailored to meet the ever-changing landscape of education and ensure a proactive, reflective partnership with headteachers, leaders and governors to impact on improving outcomes for all.
Our team of SDPs includes experienced school improvement officers with extensive experience of strategic leadership work, headteachers past and present, Ofsted inspectors and ex-Her Majesty’s Inspectors. Our school improvement service SDPs have a positive track record of enabling schools in challenging circumstances, removing barriers to learning and improving pupils’ outcomes incisively to raise standards.
Lead Officer:
Richard Kielty
Senior School Improvement Officer
Curriculum and Standards
The termly training programme for SDPs has a robust strategic approach, to support and challenge school leaders to achieve goals and evaluate impact. Our professional approach is built on open, honest relationships and sharing best practice is valued by our schools. The programme is sharply focused on safeguarding, effective leadership and closing gaps for vulnerable groups of pupils.
Each termly visit includes a bespoke follow up with a quality-assured report for leaders and governors, shared on Perspective Lite online management and improvement tool kit for schools and academies.Okay Our strategic support enables leaders and governors to prepare for inspections and evaluate school development planning through triangulation.
Your school development partner will also support headteacher performance management and meet your governing body annually to discuss their improvement report.
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