High quality interactions
< 20 Opportunities to improve your school
Opportunity #8 - High quality interactions
Audience – Staff working with all ages
Time - 6 or 12 hours
Develop an early years learning environment that prioritises high quality interactions. Audit your learning environment as well as planned language and vocabulary learning opportunities.
Deepen leaders’ understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in the setting. Ensure that all staff understand the research that supports the importance of high-quality interactions and develop approaches that improve language learning opportunities for all children.
Modeling of high-quality adult-child interactions will improve language comprehension and build back and forth conversation into the curriculum.
‘Quality interactions became part of embedded practice across our early years. A cycle of monitoring was put in place and this has ensured that valuable assessment information has been gathered on all children over the course of the year as well as opportunities to secure and challenge learning.’
Headteacher, Backworth Park Primary School