
Curriculum and Standards

The example projects below would always be tweaked to meet the bespoke needs of your school and staff.  We know that one size does not fit all!   

All our work is underpinned by the latest research available and models of best practice.  These examples supplement our core offer of termly subject lead sessions where training is delivered and updates are shared. 


Each CPD theme has been carefully planned and aligns with key messages from NCETM, Co-ordinating Mathematical Success (Ofsted Mathematics Subject Report) and EEF research related to teaching and learning in maths.  This is in addition to our termly subject lead session where training and important updates are shared. 


Planning for Practice in Maths 

What does quality practice look like in maths? Are pupils thinking mathematically and noticing or are they ‘doing’ the maths? Considering the recommendations from the Ofsted Mathematics Review ‘Co-ordinating Mathematical Success’ around the ‘quality and quantity’ of practice, this session unpicks tasks and activities. Looking at how calculations are ordered, what stays the same and what changes and the questions that teachers should ask to draw attention to key concepts being taught.  

Audience - KS1/KS2  

Time - Approx 1 – 1.5 hrs  


Promoting High-Quality Talk in Mathematics 

Are you making the most of talk opportunities in maths lessons? Are teachers using a range of questions to support pupils to engage in mathematical thinking? It is important for children to learn the skills of building upon answers, challenging others and asking their own questions. Backed by EEF research this session includes observations of classroom practice, practical strategies and plenty of time for talk!  

Audience – KS1/KS2/KS3  

Time - Approx 1.5 hours 


Mathematical Reasoning - For ALL  

Are all children developing this skill? How can opportunities be planned in all lessons across each unit? Do staff have a repertoire of reasoning conventions that they thread through lessons enabling children think deeply, justify and question? This practical session allows participants to engage in opportunities to consider the effectiveness of a range of reasoning conventions and strategies to take back to their classrooms.  

Audience - KS1/KS2/KS3  

Time 1 – 1.5 hrs 


The Problem with Problem Solving…..  

Are your pupils learning and practicing and developing strategies to solve mathematical problems?  Based on recommendation 3 of the EEF guidance report ‘Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3’, this session aims to give teachers some key actions to improve their skills in problem solving. 

Audience – Maths subject leads/KS2/KS3 teachers 

Time – to suit the needs of the school 


Building a Culture of Questioning 

Supporting subject leads to evaluate and develop the strategies used in school to ensure all pupils are thinking and responding in maths lessons.  This CPD builds on Rosenshine’s principles of instruction. 

Audience – Maths subject leads/KS2/KS3 teachers 

Time – to suit the needs of the school 


Supporting struggling mathematicians 

Aimed at supporting teaching assistants while working with pupils but this session can be sensitively tailored to suit any audience.  This session explores strategies, approaches and games that support and develop number sense 

Audience – teaching assistants 

Time – 2 hours 


Number Talks 

Strategies to support pupils becoming truly fluent in terms of flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency.  

Audience – KS1/KS2/KS3 teachers 

Time – to suit the needs of the school 

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Worked Examples 

Using worked examples in mathematics can be revolutionary in scaffolding and supporting mathematical thinking in guided practice.  This training equips staff with the knowledge and understanding needed to make this happen in your school. 

Audience – KS1/KS2/KS3 teachers 

Time – to suit the needs of the school 

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Key mathematical subject knowledge 

Aimed at supporting teaching assistants while working with pupils but this session can be sensitively tailored to suit any audience.  Foci for the session: Number Sense/Additive Reasoning/Multiplicative Reasoning 

Audience – teaching assistants 

Time – 2 hours