Lisa Heatherington

School Improvement Advisor
Primary Maths and English

Before joining Education North Tyneside, Lisa gained extensive school experience across the Primary phase in addition to leadership experience in a range of different subjects.

As a senior leader, her responsibilities included using educational research to develop reflective, effective teaching teams and establishing positive behaviour for learning across school. Lisa has worked alongside schools.

providing extensive and forensic support and guidance (in both Maths and English) enabling settings to make steady and measurable improvements for pupils. As an advisor, she continues to deliver many high-quality training opportunities including ‘developing mathematical mindsets’ and ‘becoming an effective problem solver’, as well as working with leadership teams to create bespoke training packages.

She has led initiatives to improve number sense and communication for disadvantaged pupils across North Tyneside and is passionate about providing ‘equity’ to allow all pupils to reach and exceed their potential.