Embedding an Effective Graduated Response

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Josh Hukin

Senior School Improvement Officer
Vulnerable Learners

The example given below is for SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) but could be adapted for other needs from the Code of Practice.

  • Audit, therapeutic teaching, DDP (dyadic developmental practice), training around de-escalation & restorative practice, relationships policy. Lowest 20% focus.
  • Could be several different components to this training package e.g helping CYP (children and young people) manage worry and anxiety; Supporting CYP who are school refusers; Supporting CYP with gender identity issues etc.
  • Including layered approach for a range of stakeholders e.g., teaching assistants, governors & parents.


Inclusion and Well-being

You may wish to choose 3x 6-hour projects from each of the themed support packages.
For example: safeguarding, developing governance and digital technology