Curriculum and Standards
The example projects below would always be tweaked to meet the bespoke needs of your school and staff. We know that one size does not fit all!
All our work is underpinned by the latest research available and models of best practice. Education North Tyneside Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) is grant-funded, through the school’s forum so free support is offered to maintained schools. Academies can buy bespoke packages by arrangement.
Our highly skilled EMTAS team offer a range of training which can be purchased from Education Services and includes strategies training and surgeries.
Supporting pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)
In-school support
Bespoke advice and guidance to staff, along with top tips and strategies for supporting EAL learners.
Northeast Regional Interest Group
EMTAS are convenors of the Northeast Regional Interest Group, supported by NALDIC (National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum) offering free termly meetings focused on different themes, with opportunities to network and share ideas and good practice.
School of Sanctuary Award
We can support you through your journey to becoming a ‘School of Sanctuary’, helping students, staff and the wider community to offer and inclusive environment for all learners.
The Multilingual Classroom
These sessions aim to inspire learners and support the development of everyone’s multilingual identity. This means helping learners to recognise the language diversity they all have and be proud of them.
Buddy training (International Rescue Committee-IRC)
The school buddy program offers training for learners ages 5-16 years old to develop the skills needed to support newcomers.
Home language GCSE
The EMTAS team also run preparation classes for EAL learners in Arabic, Bangla, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and other languages as requested.