The government’s wraparound care offer for families

The government has an aspiration that all primary school aged children (4 – 11 years) in England, will be able to access wraparound care from 8 am to 6 pm.

Child holding their hands in front of their face. Their hands are covered in bright paint.

What would this wraparound care look like?

  • It would be during term time.
  • It would be provision such as breakfast clubs and regular after school provision.

What is the purpose of this?

  • This should be available every school day and is intended to help parents to work the hours that they want to.

How can our school facilitate this?

  • There will be some funding available to apply for, to support schools with the implementation.
  • The offer must be self-financing by Autumn 2026.
  • Schools may want, or need, to signpost families to other providers if they cannot meet the needs of all families.

What other support is available to us?

  • North Tyneside will be working with schools to develop the borough’s wraparound care offer between 2024 and Autumn 2026.

More information available here

Article by

Maddy Kennedy

School Improvement Officer
Early Years