The Core Curriculum Team is knowledgeable about the schools and partners in North Tyneside and beyond.

This allows us to share and learn from best practices, ensuring that our schools can benefit from a broad perspective. We have strong partnerships with local education authorities and universities, both regionally and nationally.

We also collaborate with the wider region and engage in training and professional development opportunities, such as the Every Child Counts program, to further enhance our expertise.

Are you ready to take your teaching and learning to the next level?

Let us help! Our team is dedicated to supporting individuals, groups, and entire school staffs in their professional development.

We'll work with you to improve the quality of education at your school and create a positive learning culture for all. Plus, we offer a range of evidence-based programs and resources to help you enhance your curriculum and support the personal development, behavior, and well-being of your students. Let's make a difference together!

Are you ready to become a transformative leader in your community?

We can help! Our team is dedicated to supporting curriculum and pastoral leaders like you to reach your full potential.

We'll provide data to help you understand your local context, promote positive approaches to engaging student voices, and develop reflective practice to embed evidence-based pedagogy. Together, we'll build capacity and make a lasting impact on education. Let's get started!

Behaviour and Safety

Behaviour and safety are crucial elements of a successful educational environment.

Our team is here to help you understand the importance of nurturing your students and create a culture of growth mindset across your school. We'll also support you in reviewing and updating your curriculum to align with national and local legislation and guidance. Together, we can ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Public Health Priorities

As a school, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of your community.

Our team is here to support you in understanding the role that you can play in addressing key public health priorities. We'll provide clear links and resources to help you understand the contributions you can make, and we'll work with you to embed a whole-school approach to health and well-being through participation in the Local Healthy Schools Program. Let's make a difference together!

Are you committed to closing the gap and supporting vulnerable students in your school?

We can help! Our team is dedicated to raising awareness of the needs of these students and developing evidence-based packages to address their specific challenges.

We'll work with you to help your students realise their full potential and provide them with access to information, advice, and guidance on their health and well-being. Plus, we offer training for Pupil Premium reviewers to ensure that you have the tools and resources you need to make a difference. Let's work together to create a brighter future for all students!

Developing Leadership

As a leader, you have the power to drive positive change in your school and community.

Our team is here to support you in every step of the way. We offer a range of services to help you monitor and evaluate your progress, including focused learning walks, work scrutiny, and planning review activities. We'll also help you analyze assessment data, prepare for Ofsted, and develop effective action plans.

Plus, we offer joint observations of teaching and learning to validate your school's judgments. Together, we can reach new heights of success and make a lasting impact on education. Let's get started today!

Accredited Research Based Intervention Training

Our Accredited Research Based Intervention Training program is designed to help schools track student progress, identify underachievement, and effectively use high-quality intervention programs.

We offer training, advice, and support in this area, as well as assessment for the Basic Skills Award scheme. Our team includes an accredited ECC trainer in research-based intervention programs for mathematics across key stages 1 to 3, as well as key stage 2 writing interventions. We also have a Teacher Leader for Reading Recovery, providing training for Reading Recovery teachers, and offer accredited National Inference Training for the inference intervention and whole-school approaches for the teaching of reading.

Our BoostingReading@Primary and BoostingReading@Secondary programs are also available to support students at all levels. Let us help you drive academic success at your school.

Purposeful Assessment for Learning

Effective assessment is a crucial component of successful teaching and learning.

Our team is here to help you ensure that your teacher assessment procedures are robust and support the development of an effective approach to Assessment For Learning (AFL), including marking and feedback. We'll work with you to help teachers develop effective differentiation strategies and support learning through peer and self assessment or target setting. Together, we can create a purposeful and productive assessment system that helps all students reach their full potential.

Collaborative Developments

As a team, we specialise in supporting educational institutions through the transition process.

We offer a range of services, including building collaboration within and between schools to facilitate project development, providing assistance in developing innovative ideas and approaches, and offering training and support for statutory assessments. By working closely with schools, we aim to facilitate a smooth and successful transition.

Improving Teaching and Learning

At Education North Tyneside, we are dedicated to improving teaching and learning for all educators.

To achieve this goal, we offer a range of services including customised training for entire staff or small groups to increase subject knowledge and stay current on the latest developments in teaching and learning. Additionally, we provide one-on-one support through coaching and mentoring for individual staff members, including newly qualified teachers, non-specialists, and experienced educators. This support is designed to help these individuals grow in their expertise and deepen their understanding of the teaching profession. We also offer specialized training to develop the skills of teaching assistants in literacy and math.


Janice Gibson

School Improvement Officer
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Assessment

Catherine Worton

School Improvement Officer
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Leadership

Claire Graham

School Improvement Advisor
Computing Team Leader

Eve Morton

School Improvement Advisor
Primary English

Neil Brown

School Improvement Advisor

Gareth McQuillan

School Improvement Advisor
Science, Careers & Post 16

Lisa Heatherington

School Improvement Advisor
Primary Maths and English

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