More than ever physical education, School sport and physical activity are at the heart of school life, this area affects physical and mental health over the long and short term as well as behaviour, attainment, resilience, and a range of individual and social skills, the PE Team can offer support, guidance and advice to enhance the delivery of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA).
When working with schools we endeavour to enhance their offer to promote behaviour, enhance personal development and leadership opportunities and raise the quality of education provided in line with the Ofsted framework, across all phases and key stages.
The principles underpinning our offer are to:
- Address local inequalities and greatest need
- Increase engagement and opportunities
- Ensure inclusive practice and opportunities
- Collaboration
- Connecting communities and ensuring young people can access appropriate community opportunities
- Increase the physical literacy of young people to contribute to improving Active Lives
We work with a wide range of partners which include Active North Tyneside (ANT), Youth Sport Trust (YST), Public Health, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), RISE and School Sport Associations to ensure there is a strategic and co-ordinated approach at a local, regional, and national level.
Service level agreement entitlement includes:
Physical Education
- Bespoke PE subject leader / curriculum support, advice & guidance, as well as PE subject reviews
- School focused health check and audit of PESSPA offer
- Invitations to PE Networks, subject leader sessions, Primary & Secondary (as well as drop-in sessions)
- Ofsted updates and support around inspection and deep dive
- Advice and guidance to support your school’s use of the Primary PE funding and suitable reporting procedures
- Subsidised places on either school based or centralised PE
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme in areas such as, Subject leadership in PE, Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, OAA & team building, Playground leaders/ Sports Leaders, Engaging the less active
- Support, advice and guidance regarding Safe Practice in PE, School sport and physical activity
- On-site risk assessment to support the delivery of PESSPA
- Inclusion in the coordinated school swimming programme/Top up offer – key stages 1,2 & 3
- Specialist advice and support for swimming and outdoor and adventurous activities across all phases
- North Tyneside cluster membership to Youth Sport Trust (YST) offering additional virtual CPD training opportunities
- Regular updates on the latest national and local information, resources, training, and events to support PESSPA
- Support staff in developing physical activity area of the Healthy School Award and supporting the curriculum expectations
School sport & competition
- Entry to events in the North Tyneside programme of activities which include the North Tyneside Dance Festival, Trail & Challenge, Swimming Galas and Cross Country.
- Notification of Virtual events, competitions, and initiatives
- Sport specific training to support competitions (upon request)
- Access to initiatives to support targeted provision, e.g.Girl’s football
- Affiliation to North Tyneside School Sports Association (NTSSA) and subsequent local & county associations
- To deliver the entitlement, the team will undertake all aspects of the administration, organisation, expenditure, and communication relating to North Tyneside events and School Games programme. This ensures that there is a strategic co-ordination of North Tyneside school sport.
Physical Activity
- Access to opportunities to support the increase of physical activity in schools and strategies to engage the least active
- Contribute and support the delivery of healthy active lifestyles and well being initiatives in and beyond the curriculum, active travel, bikeability
- Development of Active school offer, cross curricular links, and Active Mile
- Opportunities for young people to access leadership training, training is age appropriate
- Support for the delivery of transition activities
- Access and support from the PESSPA database of Sports & Physical activity providers
- Advice and guidance to develop links to local clubs and associated sport programmes
- Assistance with funding applications to support appropriate school sport programmes
- Secondary Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) programme advice and support
Please note that a half termly ebulletin will be shared with all SLA schools reporting upon all aspects of PESSPA
Educational visits (In order to support OAA / Residential / Enrichment activities)
- Approval/Non approval of visits on eVisit
- Bespoke training for headteacher/EVC/establishment administrators/group leader and additional staff
- 1:1 support session in school
- Whole/part staff training sessions
- Access and training for the eVisit support system
- Updated document library on eVisit e.g. Risk assessment templates and exemplars
- Access to annually updated guidance documents such as your school’s educational visit Policy
- Additional detailed guidance on non-approval
- Broadcast updates through eVisit
- Email, telephone, virtual support, advice, and guidance when planning a visit and queries
Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity
Laura Flasby
School Sport Programme Coordinator
School Games Organiser
for information and purchasing