Transitioning Year 6 to 7

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Janice Gibson

School Improvement Officer
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Assessment

Whilst the following example is given for mathematics, other bespoke areas could be developed along this model.

Are primary and secondary schools developing a shared understanding of curriculum, teaching, and learning?
Both primary and secondary teachers are likely to be more effective if they are familiar with the mathematics curriculum and teaching methods outside of their age-phase.

How are primary schools ensuring that pupils leave with secure knowledge and understanding?
Primary schools could provide pupils with an effective defence against the common problems of transitioning to a new school.

When pupils arrive in year 7, are secondary teachers attaining a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses?

Do they use this information to build on key aspects of the primary curriculum in ways that are engaging, relevant and not simply repetitive?

How are pupils allocated to classes when they enter year 7?
The research evidence suggests that allocating pupils to classes based on their prior attainment (often called ‘setting’ or ‘ability grouping’) does not, on average, lead to an increase in attainment overall and may widen attainment gaps. It has a slightly negative impact on pupils allocated to lower sets, although pupils allocated to higher sets may benefit slightly.

Disadvantaged pupils are more likely to be assigned to lower sets, so setting is likely to lead to a widening of the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. (EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) Improving mathematics in key stage 2 and key stage 3).
This project will consist of face to face training, an online community and virtual meetings. It will explore collaborative planning, effective communication, shared pedagogy and accurate assessment to support successful transition. A Google Classroom will allow participants to add to and comment on action research in between sessions. Advisors will also add questions to the community to prompt thought / conversations.

The outcome of the project will be the creation of a transition document identifying key areas of struggle / misconceptions / key concepts to focus on.